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'The Birth of a Movement: The abolitionist apparel Story

In the heart of America's fashion landscape stands a symbol of strength and unity - a golden ox, representing not just a luxury brand, but a revolution in conscious fashion. This is the story of abolitionist apparel, where every thread tells a tale of transformation, and every garment carries the weight of purpose.

Our journey began with a simple yet powerful belief: that luxury fashion could be more than beautiful – it could be transformative. Like the mighty ox that graces our emblem, we stand unwavering in our commitment to strength through unity, to beauty through purpose, and to luxury with conscience.

Each abolitionist apparel piece is a canvas where artistry meets activism. Our sweaters aren't just garments; they're statements of solidarity, crafted with premium materials that honor both the wearer and our mission. When you run your fingers across our intricate knits, you're touching a story of hope, resilience, and second chances.

But this isn't just about fashion. It's about reimagining what luxury means in a world crying out for change. Every purchase from our collections does more than adorn – it advocates. It supports programs for previously incarcerated individuals, turning the simple act of choosing what to wear into a powerful statement of social change.

In the abolitionist apparel community, we believe true luxury lies not in exclusivity, but in the power to create positive impact. Our golden ox stands as a beacon, calling together those who dare to dream of a fashion industry that uplifts as it adorns, that challenges as it beautifies, and that transforms as it styles.

This is more than a brand. This is a movement. And every person who wears abolitionist apparel becomes part of a larger story – one where fashion becomes a force for good, where luxury meets liberation, and where style speaks the language of social justice.

Welcome to abolitionist apparel. Welcome to the movement."





Off-White c/o Virgil Abloh™ embarks on a new narrative where free thinking inspires a pioneering format for the future, where the age of imagination is the product of reality.

Inspired by Virgil’s vision and approach to his art, Off-White™ nourishes a collective of creative minds that represent the best in their category and have a strong and personal connection with Virgil. Ibrahim’s relationship with Virgil and Off-White™, born and nurtured through Instagram DMs, blossomed both personally and professionally over the last 3 years creating a strong bond based on mutual respect and shared values.

“Making a successful luxury brand in nine years is genius. It’s a feat that I admire and hope to continue building upon with a rich legacy. He revolutionised streetwear and luxury that crosses generations and decades. He showed the world that the underrepresented, the underdogs and Black people, in particular, have brilliant minds and can push and compete equally in the establishment. He inspired hope and brought about change.” - Ibrahim Kamara, Art&Image Director Off-White™

